Diablo 3 4 man meta pushing
Diablo 3 4 man meta pushing

Everyone contributing to this guide has been on leaderboards for season 1 and 2 even as high at top 100 at the end of season 1. My name is Kayge and together with the help of the people listed above we decided to work on getting an all-inclusive guide on Greater Rifts to help players min-max and push for their attempts to get on the leaderboard. Unity vs Stone of Jordan vs Ring of Royal Grandeur.Mob Density, Elite Density, and Mob types.Special Thanks to M1PY, Slizer36, Rawapple, NerdRage, Battlechess, Essentialist and Rhykker for all your help!

diablo 3 4 man meta pushing

Diablo 3 Greater Rift Pushing Guide by Kayge

Diablo 3 4 man meta pushing